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Kohler Ignition Switches

Kohler Ignition Switch No. 25-099-37

Kohler Ignition Switch No. 25-099-37


Kohler Ignition Switch No. 25-099-37. This is an original equipment ignition switch. Replaces Kohler part numbers 25 099 37S, 2509937S, 25-099-32, 25 099 32 and 2509932


Kohler Ignition Switch 25-099-04-S

Kohler Ignition Switch 25-099-04-S


Kohler Ignition Switch for Magnum and Command Engines, magneto units. Replaces # 25-099-04-S.


Kohler Ignition Switch

Kohler Ignition Switch


Kohler Ignition Switch for battery coil ignition, 5 spade terminal, 3 position, requires 5/8" mounting hole. Replaces # 48-099-01.
